133: Using Data to Spur Innovation, Support Strategy with Delaware State's Teresa Hardee

What does sustainability look like? That’s the question at hand on the show this week, as we navigate the waters of innovation and decision making through strategic use of data. Dr. Teresa Hardee, CFO and CBO at Delaware State University, joins us to share her institution’s story of breaking down silos, encouraging institution-wide participation, and creating a culture of transparency around the numbers.

132: Pushing the Boundaries of Innovation with Xavier U. Provost Scott Chadwick

Today on Navigating Change, Provost and Chief Academic Officer Scott Chadwick joins us to share the story of the Center for Innovation at Xavier, some of its recent successes, and his journey to understand Xavier by assessing the people, mission, and capabilities of the university as they continue to grow leaders through innovation, creativity, and inclusivity.

130: Practice what we Teach for Smarter Operations with Unimarket CEO Peter Kane

That institutions practice extensively in their own operations, that which they teach in the classroom, has proved to be a challenge in higher education. When we run into internal operational challenges, can we honestly say that we’re as adaptable as we like to think we are?

129: Futurist Bryan Alexander Measures Transformative Forces on our Higher Ed Horizons

This week on Navigating Change we invite writer, speaker, and teacher, Bryan Alexander, to join us and talk about the evolution of higher education. As a futurist, Bryan navigates trends in the field, particularly assessing the impact of technology in and around the classroom.

127: Fractions of Change

Arguably the most challenging part of any change process is rallying the support of the people around you to join you on your way. This week on the show, we present Howard Teibel’s model for approaching any population you’re trying to influence in a specific direction.

125: Moving In — The value of the internal change agent with Benchmark’s Christian Recknagel

This week on Navigating Change we’re talking to Christian Recknagel about his work at Benchmark Construction. Christian moved from his role as lead consultant at E4 Consulting to internal change management lead at Benchmark, and faces the challenge of innovating from the inside out every day. 

123: Reflections on volunteer leadership, engagement & becoming an instrument of inspiration

We’re back and settled into our post-EACUBO rhythm, so this week we thought we’d take a few minutes to reflect on lessons learned, lessons (hopefully!) taught, and leave you with some insights on the value of volunteer leadership. The big question: How do we engage the people we’re calling on as volunteers to marshal their energy, enthusiasm, and trust to get them to help us move our institutions forward? From boards to academic teams, this challenge cuts across leadership and calls on us to be at our most clear and creative. 

122: Live from EACUBO 2015 — Gregg Goldman and Dave Button on Common Interests, Common Challenges of CBOs

This week on Navigating Change we're once again recording live from the Cheers Lounge at the EACUBO Annual Meeting in Philadelphia. Howard Teibel hosts a conversation this week with two esteemed guests: Gregg Goldman, SVP and CFO at The University of Arizona and Chair of NACUBO, and Dave Button, CBO at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan and past president of CAUBO. Each brings a unique perspective on the state of CBO readiness for complexity in the coming year, and they uncover a series of fascinating parallels in the state of higher education between the US and Canada.

118: Building the Organization you Want with NACUBO's Sue Menditto at the 2015 Planning and Budgeting Forum

On September 28th the NACUBO 2015 Planning and Budgeting Forum kicks off in Austin, Texas and today Sue Menditto — NAUCBO’s director of accounting policy — joins us to help us gear up for the conference with a discussion about crafting the organization you really want.


116: The Five Unbelievable Things You Don't Know are Broken in your Leadership Teams!

Hard skills and soft skills. We’ve certainly discussed them before. Your organization is likely full of competent leaders, managers, and team members well qualified to perform their functions, expert finance leaders, marketing and enrollment specialists, academic leaders, and beyond. This week, Gail Gregory and Howard Teibel share their insights into the challenges they’re seeing across institutions.

113: Presumptions, Assumptions, and New Realities: The NACUBO Economic Models Project

Thanks to research led by Senior Fellow of Finance and Campus Management Bob Shea, NACUBO is taking the lead in creating a definitive set of factors and a common language around the way institutions exist in the economic landscape. This week on the show, Shea joins Rutgers CBO Mike Gower and Howard Teibel to share how this project and it’s targeted outcomes will impact institutions in their drive toward sustainability and growth.

112: The Challenges of Implementation with Unimarket’s Brian Sweeney

Joining us on the show this week, special guest Brian Sweeney, head of US Operations for Unimarket. Brian offers unique experience in software project implementation in higher education and shares his insights into the cultural change that comes with technological innovation across campuses.