Navigating Change: The Podcast from Teibel Education
93: Governance — Authority, Accountability & Responsibility in Shared Governance with Dr. Stephen Fowl
This week on the show, Professor Steve Fowl joins us to share his insights as an academic leader on what makes shared governance work. As former chair of the faculty senate, Steve paints a picture of an environment in which there exists clear and effective collaboration between faculty, administration, and board leadership.

223: An Important Perspective: A Conversation with Rising Senior at Colby College, Heather Jahrling
In this week’s conversation, Colby College senior Heather Jahrling and Howard Teibel explore what worked — and what didn’t — in the transition to learning from home, and what students are looking for as we face the fall.

216: Becoming part of the solution with Roger L. Martin
Revisiting our conversation with Roger L. Martin on an important message from our conversation back in 2015: What does it mean to be a part of the solution, not part of the problem?
191: Plymouth State President Donald Birx Faces Transformation Head-on in Clusters
Plymouth State University is making a dramatic shift, moving from a traditional university structure to a cluster-based model, which will give students a new combination of education and engaged scholarship necessary to compete successfully in an increasingly complex and demanding world.
179: The Teacher as Learner — Finding the Future of Teaching in Meat with Berkeley Prof. Ricardo San Martin
This week on Navigating Change, Berkeley Professor Ricardo San Martin joins us in a conversation about teaching. What does transformational teaching look like and what does it mean to present that teacher as learner. How can we empower students to explore with each and build a sense of their own ownership in the learning process?
161: Exploring Education as Fiction with Professor Brad Allenby
Professor Brad Allenby maps the changes in higher education to grand revolutions of European history, that of the Glorious British Revolution of 1688 or the French Revolution leading to the Reign of Terror. As a faculty member at Arizona State University, Dr. Allenby has seen first hand the pressure building in the classroom and beyond it.
134: Revitalizing the 2-year to 4-year Transfer Process, Massive Opportunity in Higher Education
This week on Navigating Change, we're talking about the 2-year to 4-year transfer system and the increasing impact on the 4-year colleges, and an increased sense of ownership by these schools that this is not a “Community College Problem” alone.
132: Pushing the Boundaries of Innovation with Xavier U. Provost Scott Chadwick
Today on Navigating Change, Provost and Chief Academic Officer Scott Chadwick joins us to share the story of the Center for Innovation at Xavier, some of its recent successes, and his journey to understand Xavier by assessing the people, mission, and capabilities of the university as they continue to grow leaders through innovation, creativity, and inclusivity.
129: Futurist Bryan Alexander Measures Transformative Forces on our Higher Ed Horizons
This week on Navigating Change we invite writer, speaker, and teacher, Bryan Alexander, to join us and talk about the evolution of higher education. As a futurist, Bryan navigates trends in the field, particularly assessing the impact of technology in and around the classroom.
128: Courage in the Classroom with St. Edward's U. Professor Santiago Toledo
Santiago Toledo is tired of old teaching models. He serves St. Edward’s University as Associate Professor of Chemistry and as such, he was an engaged learner himself in a recent change workshop with Howard Teibel.
106: Creativity at a Crossroads: the CAO/CBO Partnership at University of Colorado
Faced with declines in state funding leading the nation, University of Colorado has been forced to develop innovative solutions that allow the institution to maintain its position as a leading research institution, while maintaining affordability for its students. Doing so has required a best in class partnership between Senior Vice Chancellor and CFO, Kelly Fox, and Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Russell Moore.
82: UMass Lowell Provost Ahmed Abdelal on Building Collaboration from Competition in Academic Leadership
This week we welcome Dr. Ahmed Abdelal, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at UMass Lowell. His work provides a framework for the structure and culture that makes for a collaborative leadership model that transcends competition and gridlock.
74: The Academic’s View in the Administrative Review at Loyola Maryland Part 2 — Professor Steve Fowl
This week, Steve shares his insights on the academic and administrative review from the faculty perspective, and how we were able to form a partnership to deliver both financial and cultural benefits to Loyola Maryland.
67: The Future of Education with Grant Lichtman — Part 2
Part two in our Grant Lichtman interview picks up with the political challenges that erupt in districts across the country. In the face of these challenges are schools making the change required to live up to the promise of true innovation in education. We reflect on the shared challenges of broken business models — both in K-12 and higher education — and the responsibility leaders have in owning positive change in the classroom.
66: The Future of Education with Grant Lichtman — Part 1
Grant Lichtman has quickly become one of the foremost thinkers and advocates for innovation in the classroom. His latest book, #EdJourney: A Roadmap to the Future of Education, documents his 3-month journey across the United States, interviewing teachers, administrators, students, parents, and trustees to examine innovation in the K-12 classroom.