Navigating Change: The Podcast from Teibel Education
224: Discovering the Highest Purpose of Your Organization — It’s not what you think it is
Dr. Robert Quinn and Howard Teibel focus on what it looks like to give up control to create something most of us only imagine – an engaged, connected and purpose-focused organization, where leaders put their egos aside and allow their people to step up.
222: It's Time to Step Up: A Conversation with Dr. Robert Quinn
Today on the show, Howard has a conversation with Dr. Robert Quinn, professor emeritus at the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business and co-founder for the Center for Position Organizations. Howard and Robert explore what it looks like to step up into an authentic way of leading – both from the heart and with conviction.

Building Strategic Thinkers in Your Organization
Strategic thinking is not linear or delivering on daily work. It’s about peering around corners, across horizons, and uncovering trends that exist beyond the bubble of your institution.

217: Building Momentum, Trust and Commitment around Strategic Planning: The RISD NEXT 2020-2027 Plan
This week on the show, RISD’s Taylor Scott joins Howard Teibel and Rebeka Mazzone as the three share their perspectives on marshalling the enthusiasm of resources while building a future based on realistic financial goals.

208: Lessons in vulnerability and candor with Howard Teibel and Lampros Fatsis
This week on the show, we invite our colleague Lampros Fatsis to explore our Group Coaching Program and share lessons learned in personal transformation.
196: What a higher ed conference can teach us about provocation, storytelling, and staying engaged as we age
Last month, I had the opportunity to have my perspective tested. As someone that works in higher education, you might think that’s not much of a novelty. On the contrary — none of us is immune to cemented positions and calcified opinions. The NACUBO 2018 Annual Meeting was a chance for me to face some of my own, and I walked away with three experiences I wanted to share this week.
189: Preparing Grads for the World Beyond the Walls with Bentley President Gloria Larson
Bentley University President Gloria Larson returns to Navigating Change this week to share the story of her new book, Prepared U: How Innovative Colleges Drive Student Success. “How you go to college is more important than where you go to school,” says President Larson. In the book — and her work at Bentley University — Larson demonstrates the changes required for institutions to deliver both the hard skills and soft, and help cultivate graduates ready for the challenges ahead.
180: Challenging our Blindspots — Moods, Assessments, and Assertions with Author Gloria Flores
This week, we welcome Gloria Flores to the show, co-founder and President of Pluralistic Networks. In her work, Gloria is committed to developing innovative ways for people to learn to collaborate, to listen, to build trust, and to build value for each other. Of particular interest to her is the creation of learning environments that will enable people to develop what many describe as “soft skills,” but that really should be referred as “crucial skills” for today’s world.
161: Exploring Education as Fiction with Professor Brad Allenby
Professor Brad Allenby maps the changes in higher education to grand revolutions of European history, that of the Glorious British Revolution of 1688 or the French Revolution leading to the Reign of Terror. As a faculty member at Arizona State University, Dr. Allenby has seen first hand the pressure building in the classroom and beyond it.
145: Engaging in Failure and Creativity with First American's Chad Wiedenhofer
How do you get people to engage in a conversation around failure? According to our guest, “you can see in organizations where iteration and the failure that might come with it is accepted as something that can be positive, and something that can help us get to the destination we’re trying to get to.” Creating a culture of iteration, and adapting toward a state in which you see failure as growth is a challenge, but one worth taking. SVP of First American Education Finance Chad Wiedenhofer joins us today to talk about iteration and growth.
139: Taking Risks, Releasing Control, and Strategic Planning with Valparaiso U. President Mark Heckler
Mark Heckler has served as president of Valparaiso University since 2008. In his tenure so far, the institution has achieved some notable wins: expanded facilities, expanded academic programs and a five-year campaign achieving the largest fundraising goal ever achieved by a Lutheran University. Today, Dr. Heckler is overseeing the implementation of the most expansive and comprehensive strategic plan in the university’s 150-year history.
124: Power, Control & Shared Governance
Today, Howard and Pete talk about the tools and controls in place to help leaders come to agreement and craft a model of shared governance each can be proud to own.
122: Live from EACUBO 2015 — Gregg Goldman and Dave Button on Common Interests, Common Challenges of CBOs
This week on Navigating Change we're once again recording live from the Cheers Lounge at the EACUBO Annual Meeting in Philadelphia. Howard Teibel hosts a conversation this week with two esteemed guests: Gregg Goldman, SVP and CFO at The University of Arizona and Chair of NACUBO, and Dave Button, CBO at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan and past president of CAUBO. Each brings a unique perspective on the state of CBO readiness for complexity in the coming year, and they uncover a series of fascinating parallels in the state of higher education between the US and Canada.
121: Live from EACUBO 2015—The Regional Presidents Gather!
This week on Navigating Change we’re recording live from the Cheers Lounge at the EACUBO Annual Meeting in Philadelphia. Howard Teibel has gathered the regional presidents for a conversation on the state of higher ed after a day of learning in sessions.
110: The Mentorship Mindset and Leveraging Hidden Resources with Nuno Couto
Nuno Couto lives and works from his RV. In his work as a consultant and project manager in higher education, his ultra-mobile command center has become a central component to leading change through his firm, Optimal Partners.
108: Choose YOU — The Importance of Vacations & Downtime in Delivering Great Work
It’s a show of a different color this week as we take on a debilitating challenge faced by so many of our colleagues: we are terrible at disconnecting, recharging, and prioritizing ourselves over our work. The idea for this show started as a chance to talk about how we’re pledging to take smarter vacations, but it doesn’t take long before we veer into culture and the demands of communication, technology, and stress.
99: Lessons from AGB's National Conference on Trusteeship
Recorded straight off stage from the 2015 AGB National Conference on Trusteeship, Howard Teibel shares his reflections on trusteeship, and lessons he learned working with trustees navigating their most challenging issues. From the coming closure of Sweet Briar to the challenges of institutionalizing change, Howard and Pete dive into the importance of changing our thinking from cooperation to collaboration and shifting adversarial relationships toward finding alignment across the entire institution.