Navigating Change: The Podcast from Teibel Education
115: Revisiting Decision-Making: Do you really understand the conversation you’re in?
Last week’s conversation on turning leaders into guides inspired us to revisit the Teibel Decision-Making Model in the light of helping guides facilitate decision-making without authority. How do you help those empowered and accountable for change move through difficult decisions without skin the game yourself?
185: Reimagining Budget & Planning — EACUBO 2017 Annual Meeting
Howard Teibel recently joined three esteemed panelists at the EACUBO 2017 Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh for a conversation on reimagining budget and planning.
175: Fight the Drift to Day 2
“Jeff, what does Day 2 look like?”
That’s the first line of Jeff Bezos’ 2016 letter to shareholders, a question from staff at an all-hand meeting in which he describes a transformation that organizations can find themselves undertaking without careful and diligent attention. We start our conversation on the podcast today, pivoting off of Bezos’ response and his drive to maintain the agility of Day 1 inside Amazon, with a question of our own: Where is higher ed? Is higher ed in Day 1 or Day 2?
167: Fixing the Cracks in the Academic Business Model with Bill Massy
Howard Teibel recently sat down with noted educator and prolific writer Dr. Bill Massy talk about our changing perception of universities as complex human systems. The advanced modeling work that Dr. Massy has created over his distinguished career has helped institutions around the world to better understand pedagogical performance improvement and the relationship of that work to administration and leadership through sound operational models.
166: Finding the Courage to Make the Toughest Decision
Today on the show we present a conversation on one of the toughest components of managing an exceptional team: letting go of those who no longer perform to expectations.
153: Scope, Solution & Strategy — A tale of project management efficiency
This week on the show, Howard Teibel shares a few common missteps in project management that can derail initiatives and offers three steps toward meeting collective buy-in and establishing momentum on your next project undertaking!

149: Gerald Hector Part 2 — The power of storytelling in driving participation across the institution
In part two of our conversation with Ithaca College CBO Gerald Hector, we take on the power of storytelling in moving the institutional mission forward. From using metaphor to explain complex financial subjects, to Hector's "Dollars & $ence" meetings, now central to his mission around campus financial leadership, his input provides valuable perspective far beyond his role as a technical finance leader.
133: Using Data to Spur Innovation, Support Strategy with Delaware State's Teresa Hardee
What does sustainability look like? That’s the question at hand on the show this week, as we navigate the waters of innovation and decision making through strategic use of data. Dr. Teresa Hardee, CFO and CBO at Delaware State University, joins us to share her institution’s story of breaking down silos, encouraging institution-wide participation, and creating a culture of transparency around the numbers.
114: Helping Leaders Transform to Guides at AGB
This week on the show, Howard Teibel shares his experience leading a small portion of the AGB Conclave, and offers insight into the challenges and opportunities ahead of us as we work together toward a strengthening higher education environment.
109: The Attitude/Behavior Connection at the 2015 Administrative Management Institute
If you're a line manager, you might live in a world in which you believe that “decisions” are made above your pay grade. This week on the show, we dispel that myth and share how your behavior in the decision making process can affect the attitude of your team, your peers, and your leaders across the institution.
89: Datapoints — Learning to Love your Institutional Research with Loyola's Terra Schehr
Today on the show, we welcome Terra Schehr, Assistant Vice President of Institutional Research and Effectiveness at Loyola University Maryland. Terra shares her experience leading the IR team in demonstrating and serving the institution through data.

78: Regional Leaders on Regional Challenges in Higher Ed — Live from EACUBO 2014
This week on Navigating Change we’re coming to you once again from the EACUBO 2014 Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida. Speakers at the conference have been taking on some of the most challenging issues facing chief business officers in higher education. This week, we’re joined by all four regional CUBO presidents for a conversation on the challenges they’re facing in their regions. From dropping high school populations to a changing demographic landscape to dramatically declining state subsidies, each region is working hard to ensure their members are prepared to face tomorrow’s challenges today.

33: Making Difficult Decisions for Senior Leadership
Decision-making is a difficult skill for any team, but at the senior leadership or board level, making difficult decisions brings with it the weight of the institution.

27: Uncovering the "Why" — Part 3
This week on Navigating Change, Howard Teibel and Pete Wright conclude their three-part discussion on a robust decision-making process and the importance of uncovering the "why" of every change initiative. In this episode, we talk about how best practice organizations turn outcomes of change initiatives into action.

26: Uncovering the "Why" — Part 2
In this episode, we cover brainstorming and the critical importance of strong leadership in the process.

25: Uncovering the "Why" — Part 1
In this episode, we cover the foundational elements and visioning structure that helps teams understand the foundation of their change story, and how to connect with it as a team at new levels of depth.