Navigating Change: The Podcast from Teibel Education

Child’s Play: Tapping Workplace Creativity, with Keynote Speaker Kyle Scheele
What if everyone is creative, even the so-called pragmatists among us? Join Jeff Shields on Net Assets as he explores this intriguing question with Kyle Scheele, the mind behind a 21,000-regret Viking funeral and a fake marathon, and discover the untapped potential waiting to be unleashed.

The Language of Action: Moving Beyond Communication Breakdown
This week on Navigating Change, Pete Wright and Howard Teibel unpack the consequences of weak communication practices in organizations. Discover how distinguishing between assessments and assertions, making offers, and building commitment over consensus can transform your team's effectiveness and accelerate change.

229: Elevating Our Game at the NBOA 2022 Annual Meeting
This February, the preeminent meeting for independent school business operations professionals returns in person! This week, NBOA CEO Jeff Shields joins Howard Teibel to talk about the year past and the importance of reengaging your business officer community as we rebuild together.

227: Infusing Innovation into Your Institution: Building Sustainable Change – A Conversation with Howard Teibel and Jeff Shields
Jeff Shields, CEO of the National Business Officers Association and Howard Teibel explore these questions in anticipation of the upcoming February all-virtual NBOA Annual Meeting. The opportunity in this year is to prepare ourselves with the right state of mind – resiliency, ambition for change and living our vision.

226: Engagement Across the Academy: Transformational Learning with UCLA's Dr. Christopher Surro
This conversation with UCLA professor Dr. Christopher Surro reflects on an essential topic for all of us: how do we engage students, colleagues, and peers to promote the kind of learning we all need in these times. Whether you're an administrator, Dean, CFO, or Provost, this conversation speaks to the nature of learning and engagement, listening versus telling.

225: The “Anchor Mission” Playbook — Bringing higher purpose to your team
Today on the show we bring a demonstration of mission in action. Our guest is Doug Brown, President of UMass Memorial Community Hospitals and Chief Administrative Officer for the UMass Memorial Health Care system. He had a vision for their community - looking in their own backyard and anchoring their institutional mission through local investing, local procurement, and local hiring.

217: Building Momentum, Trust and Commitment around Strategic Planning: The RISD NEXT 2020-2027 Plan
This week on the show, RISD’s Taylor Scott joins Howard Teibel and Rebeka Mazzone as the three share their perspectives on marshalling the enthusiasm of resources while building a future based on realistic financial goals.
215: The Nature of Requests
This week on the show, we’re going to explore the nature of requests, how to engage as a listener in those conversations and a powerful alternative to merely accepting or declining what one asks of you: the counteroffer.

214: Learning to Invent the Future Together
How do you build a culture of creativity and innovation? It starts with recognizing there are big ideas to be realized and encouraging a new set of competencies and skills. These new skills require uncovering the unseen forces that keep a team from excelling, including fear of failure, lack of candor, and unwillingness to put aside individual needs.
213: Making Offers to Spur Innovation with Peter Denning
Peter Denning returns to the show this week to talk about innovation. But this most likely isn’t the innovation discussion you’re expecting.
212: Goodwill is not a Skill Set: Dr. Menah Pratt-Clarke on shifting our approach to the dialog on diversity and inclusion on campus
Dr. Menah Pratt-Clarke joins Howard Teibel on the show today and what starts as a discussion about the role of diversity and inclusion in the education environment turns quickly to our waning collective skill in truly engaging in difficult conversations — from our micro-conversations on social media to dialog among senior leadership.
211: The First Team: Being on the same page with your leadership team
Who is on your first team? According to Patrick Lencioni, the first team asks you to rethink your relationship with your peers, and the costs and opportunities of that come with that adjustment. This week on the podcast, Howard Teibel introduces the first team model and expands on it for the world of higher education.

210: The Research Speaks: You're probably burned out, and you're not alone
Dr. Kate Newburgh joins Howard today to share her experience studying burnout and her efforts to help organizations create human-centered cultures that are more resilient to overwhelm and stress.

208: Lessons in vulnerability and candor with Howard Teibel and Lampros Fatsis
This week on the show, we invite our colleague Lampros Fatsis to explore our Group Coaching Program and share lessons learned in personal transformation.

207: Moving Mountains: Provoking Change in Higher Education with Carol Mullaney and Brent Ruben
Carol Mullaney and Brent Ruben join Howard for a conversation on change, provocation, and the evolving macro-conversation that comes as we continue to learn to lead change in higher education. This comes as we prepare for the NCCI 20th Annual Conference in Denver, Colorado — Moving Mountains: Cultivating Change in Higher Education, July 10–12.
205: Educational Procurement’s Emerging Frontier — NAEP's Krista Ferrell embraces community and change
NAEP executive director Krista Ferrell hasn’t been on the job long. But she’s already helping to guide the institution in bold new directions in educational procurement leadership.
201: From Ladders to Drones to a Culture of Authentic Collaboration
Using Pixar’s approach to cultivating an exceptional brand, Teibel Education and University of Colorado information technology leaders embarked on a journey of creativity that spanned the campus leading to innovative solutions to challenges and sparking a transformative energy of inclusion and progress.
196: What a higher ed conference can teach us about provocation, storytelling, and staying engaged as we age
Last month, I had the opportunity to have my perspective tested. As someone that works in higher education, you might think that’s not much of a novelty. On the contrary — none of us is immune to cemented positions and calcified opinions. The NACUBO 2018 Annual Meeting was a chance for me to face some of my own, and I walked away with three experiences I wanted to share this week.
191: Plymouth State President Donald Birx Faces Transformation Head-on in Clusters
Plymouth State University is making a dramatic shift, moving from a traditional university structure to a cluster-based model, which will give students a new combination of education and engaged scholarship necessary to compete successfully in an increasingly complex and demanding world.
190: Breaking the Curse of the Self-Delusion with Bentley's Gloria Larson
Bentley President Gloria Larson is back this week to continue our conversation on hybrid learning, the work she and her team are leading at Bentley, and lessons from her book, Prepared U: How Innovative Colleges Drive Student Success.