Navigating Change: The Podcast from Teibel Education
201: From Ladders to Drones to a Culture of Authentic Collaboration
Using Pixar’s approach to cultivating an exceptional brand, Teibel Education and University of Colorado information technology leaders embarked on a journey of creativity that spanned the campus leading to innovative solutions to challenges and sparking a transformative energy of inclusion and progress.
200: Cultivating Emotional Resiliency
This week on the show, we’re talking about emotional resiliency, a rarely discussed construct for education leaders. Learning how to show up as emotionally resilient is the backbone to navigating uncertainty and leading others to a future that addresses the concerns of those we serve.
199: The Best Story Wins in Film ... and Higher Ed with former Pixar story artist Matthew Luhn
Former Pixar story artist Matthew Luhn believes the same craft and skill that he honed over 25 years telling stories for Pixar and The Simpsons can be put to work for the rest of us. For Matthew, anyone seeking to inspire movement and change can do just that with a little study and practice in the power of the narrative.

198: The Secret to Influencing your Most Critical Audience
It’s natural to want everyone around you to be happy with your newest idea. In an ideal world, you’d communicate what you want, everyone on your teams would align and we’d all go home at 5 and relax with our feet up.
That’s not going to happen.

197: Are you Building a Resilient Higher Ed Culture? — FAEF Leadership Panel 2018
Howard Teibel moderated a panel of three financial officers at the NACUBO 2018 Annual Meeting to hear the stories from private and public institutions who are empowering members of their campus community to play a key role in driving innovative change.
196: What a higher ed conference can teach us about provocation, storytelling, and staying engaged as we age
Last month, I had the opportunity to have my perspective tested. As someone that works in higher education, you might think that’s not much of a novelty. On the contrary — none of us is immune to cemented positions and calcified opinions. The NACUBO 2018 Annual Meeting was a chance for me to face some of my own, and I walked away with three experiences I wanted to share this week.
195: The Power of our Stories and the Leaders who Write Them — NACUBO 2018 Annual Meeting
Howard is heading to Long Beach to take part in the NACUBO 2018 Annual Meeting. His work there will focus on business officers as leaders — those new to the role and seasoned alike — and the power of the stories we write to define the course of our institutions and our careers.
194: "The Beginner's Creed": What does it mean to be a beginner?
Peter Denning joins us today in a conversation about what it is to be a beginner and the power of facing our moods of discomfort and confusion that mark being a beginner. He shares with us his own journey along with his learning about mood and how to move in the world from his learning with Dr. Fernando Flores and Gloria Flores.
193: USF Provost Don Heller on Preparing for the Unthinkable: After Michigan State
Dr. Don Heller joins us today to talk about his unique perspective on both the Penn State and Michigan tragedies as we try to come to terms with how we as leaders in education can better prepare our institutions for the worst case scenario — a scenario for which we have such limited experience in facing head-on.

192: An Evolving IT Story @Colorado.Edu
The information technology office is changing. No longer a simple service center to keep your laptop humming, today’s IT office offers a striking portfolio of tools to help solve problems across the organization, provided leaders learn how to effectively engage.
191: Plymouth State President Donald Birx Faces Transformation Head-on in Clusters
Plymouth State University is making a dramatic shift, moving from a traditional university structure to a cluster-based model, which will give students a new combination of education and engaged scholarship necessary to compete successfully in an increasingly complex and demanding world.
190: Breaking the Curse of the Self-Delusion with Bentley's Gloria Larson
Bentley President Gloria Larson is back this week to continue our conversation on hybrid learning, the work she and her team are leading at Bentley, and lessons from her book, Prepared U: How Innovative Colleges Drive Student Success.
189: Preparing Grads for the World Beyond the Walls with Bentley President Gloria Larson
Bentley University President Gloria Larson returns to Navigating Change this week to share the story of her new book, Prepared U: How Innovative Colleges Drive Student Success. “How you go to college is more important than where you go to school,” says President Larson. In the book — and her work at Bentley University — Larson demonstrates the changes required for institutions to deliver both the hard skills and soft, and help cultivate graduates ready for the challenges ahead.
188: Building Your Culture from the Bottom Up — The Operations Review
This week on the show, Howard Teibel leads us through a conversation about building this new muscle. You’ll have a better understanding of what it means to engage your community, what it means to work through problems collaboratively, and how to send the message throughout the enterprise that you truly care about what they believe are the most important issues you face together.