Navigating Change: The Podcast from Teibel Education

Being of Service with WACUBO’s Michael Clune and Lupe Valencia
Howard Teibel sat down with Michael Clune and Lupe Valencia at the WACUBO annual conference to talk about service and what inspires them about being part of this extraordinary association committed to providing professional development and networking opportunities for business officers serving higher education in the West.

The Teamwork Behind a Turnaround • Introducing the Net Assets Podcast
Hosts Jeff Shields and Howard Teibel kick off the inaugural episode of our new show, The Net Assets Podcast, and what better guests to join them than the leaders of the Lakefield College School to discuss the school's remarkable comeback story.

NBOA CEO Jeff Shields on Navigating Independent School Challenges and the 2024 NBOA Annual Meeting
This week, Jeff Shields, President and CEO at NBOA, joins Howard Teibel for a conversation on the future of independent schools ahead of the 2024 NBOA Annual Meeting & Business Solutions Showcase. They address the integration of telework in education, the sustainability of innovations post-pandemic, and the critical importance of community and collaboration in sparking transformative ideas.

231: WACUBO 2023 Annual Conference: Rising to the Challenge with WACUBO President Brad Baca
WACUBO President, Brad Baca, joins Howard Teibel for a conversation on the association’s annual conference in Phoenix, April 30-May 3, 2023.
117: Manu Narayan brings artful insight to board leadership at Carnegie Mellon
This week on Navigating Change we welcome Manu Narayan to the show. Manu is a truly renaissance man. He’s an actor of stage and screen. He’s an accomplished musician. He’s a writer and producer. And for all his professional creative talents, he joins us to discuss his role of Young Alumni trustee on the board of Carnegie Mellon University.
215: The Nature of Requests
This week on the show, we’re going to explore the nature of requests, how to engage as a listener in those conversations and a powerful alternative to merely accepting or declining what one asks of you: the counteroffer.
205: Educational Procurement’s Emerging Frontier — NAEP's Krista Ferrell embraces community and change
NAEP executive director Krista Ferrell hasn’t been on the job long. But she’s already helping to guide the institution in bold new directions in educational procurement leadership.
202: Thinking with your heart, feeling with your brain — Sustainability in Higher Education with Gil Friend
Our guest this week occupies a unique leadership position in the field of sustainability and brings a perspective to difficult conversations that can help us change the way we take part in sustainable leadership.
182: Finding Your Calling — Part 1
What does it mean to have a calling? How do you know you’re living a life of contribution? As a leader in higher education, are you living up to the mission of your institution? Howard and Pete get to share some rare face-to-face time in this conversation coming to you from a shady porch at The Chautauqua Institution in New York.

169: Climbing the Arc of Change in Independent Schools with NBOA’s Jeff Shields
Friend of the show Jeff Shields is back to talk about building monumental change in independent schools as a preview of the 2017 NBOA Annual Meeting in Washington D.C. As President and CEO of NBOA, Jeff’s charter is to lift business officers beyond the baseline expectations of their roles and help them become change agents and true leaders in their schools. This week on the show, Jeff offers insight into one of the key learning opportunities to that end for independent school business officers, the NBOA Annual Meeting platform.
166: Finding the Courage to Make the Toughest Decision
Today on the show we present a conversation on one of the toughest components of managing an exceptional team: letting go of those who no longer perform to expectations.
165: Over the Falls with CU's Larry Levine
Larry Levine, who serves University of Colorado as associate vice chancellor and CIO, joins us today to tell a story that will help drive our conversation on building exceptional teams.
163: A Metaphor for Developing an Exceptional Organization
This week, we’re talking plainly about a subject that most leaders typically bury in metaphor. You might be organizing seats on your bus, or trying to put the right tools in your shed. Whatever the creative euphemism, you’re talking about your people.
159: Headlining Your Success to Inspire Others through Emotion, Curiosity, and Clarity
We make split second decisions based on the headlines we see every day. Will we read the next email that hits the inbox? Will we take the time to read the next project plan in the pile? The answer depends on the power — and the persuasiveness — of the headline.
158: Becoming a Strategic Communicator
Many of us, whether we recognize it or not, are doing an ineffective job at communicating strategically. If part of your day-to-day role is to move people and projects forward through influence, this week's conversation is for you. It starts with a deceivingly simple premise: your teams care less about what you want to do, than why you want to do it.
155: The Art in the Mission: Graphic Facilitation with Karyn Knight Detering
Karyn Knight Detering is a visual communicator and founder of Ideas Take Shape, a graphic facilitation company dedicated to helping her clients find creative ways to communicate their ideas and concepts. Her expertise is two-fold: she’s an artist, but also an improviser, able to listen for key concepts and ideas in order to craft a story that cements understanding for businesses looking to drive change.
150: "A Voice, a Vote, or a Veto" — A Human Approach to Shared Governance
Our conversation today serves as both a preview of Howard's upcoming feature in NACUBO Business Officer Magazine, and a roadmap of three key concepts that will help you and your administrative and academic units to approach shared governance with a keen eye on the objectives you seek to achieve.
147: WACUBO Live — Incoming WACUBO Presidents Share the Pressure and Opportunity of Leadership Legacy
This week we have the second of our live podcasts coming to you from the Western Association of College and University Business Officers Annual Conference in San Francisco. Howard Teibel is joined by the incoming WACUBO presidents in which they share their hopes and insights around the power of a diverse and inclusive association, along with living up to the pressure of the legacy of leaders that has come before.
146: WACUBO Live — Outgoing Regional Presidents on the "Education Trust" and Innovation on Campus
This week we have the first in our live podcasts coming to you from the Western Association of College and University Business Officers Annual Conference in San Francisco. Howard Teibel is joined by the current regional association presidents in which they share their valuable insights in innovation, change, service, and the state of education in their regions.

144: Incremental Change at WACUBO with Ruth Johnston
Ruth Johnston and Howard Teibel on organizational excellence, maturity, and WACUBO's 2016 Annual Conference coming up in San Francisco.