217: Building Momentum, Trust and Commitment around Strategic Planning: The RISD NEXT 2020-2027 Plan

This week on the show, RISD’s Taylor Scott joins Howard Teibel and Rebeka Mazzone as the three share their perspectives on marshalling the enthusiasm of resources while building a future based on realistic financial goals.

214: Learning to Invent the Future Together

How do you build a culture of creativity and innovation? It starts with recognizing there are big ideas to be realized and encouraging a new set of competencies and skills. These new skills require uncovering the unseen forces that keep a team from excelling, including fear of failure, lack of candor, and unwillingness to put aside individual needs.

213: Making Offers to Spur Innovation with Peter Denning

Peter Denning returns to the show this week to talk about innovation. But this most likely isn’t the innovation discussion you’re expecting.

212: Goodwill is not a Skill Set: Dr. Menah Pratt-Clarke on shifting our approach to the dialog on diversity and inclusion on campus

Dr. Menah Pratt-Clarke joins Howard Teibel on the show today and what starts as a discussion about the role of diversity and inclusion in the education environment turns quickly to our waning collective skill in truly engaging in difficult conversations — from our micro-conversations on social media to dialog among senior leadership.

207: Moving Mountains: Provoking Change in Higher Education with Carol Mullaney and Brent Ruben

Carol Mullaney and Brent Ruben join Howard for a conversation on change, provocation, and the evolving macro-conversation that comes as we continue to learn to lead change in higher education. This comes as we prepare for the NCCI 20th Annual Conference in Denver, Colorado — Moving Mountains: Cultivating Change in Higher Education, July 10–12.

A Conversation about Race: Starbucks engages race in stores and beyond

A Conversation about Race: Starbucks engages race in stores and beyond

This past week I attended the Association of Governing Boards 2019 Foundation Leadership Forum and had the privilege to listen to Rosalind Brewer, COO of Starbucks. She shared how the company dealt with the racial incident at one of their Philadelphia stores in April of 2018. Many of us heard they closed their stores around the country for the day, but most of us didn’t know know what they did with that time.

115: Revisiting Decision-Making: Do you really understand the conversation you’re in?

Last week’s conversation on turning leaders into guides inspired us to revisit the Teibel Decision-Making Model in the light of helping guides facilitate decision-making without authority. How do you help those empowered and accountable for change move through difficult decisions without skin the game yourself?

202: Thinking with your heart, feeling with your brain — Sustainability in Higher Education with Gil Friend

Our guest this week occupies a unique leadership position in the field of sustainability and brings a perspective to difficult conversations that can help us change the way we take part in sustainable leadership.

201: From Ladders to Drones to a Culture of Authentic Collaboration

Using Pixar’s approach to cultivating an exceptional brand, Teibel Education and University of Colorado information technology leaders embarked on a journey of creativity that spanned the campus leading to innovative solutions to challenges and sparking a transformative energy of inclusion and progress.