Navigating Change: The Podcast from Teibel Education

48: Strategic Communication at SACUBO Annual Meeting with Guest Greg Lovins

48: Strategic Communication at SACUBO Annual Meeting with Guest Greg Lovins

According to our special guest Greg Lovins, communication is not always easy for business officers to do. As vice chancellor for business affairs at Appalachian State University, Greg and his team are responsible to ensure the institution is equipped with the information they need to collectively make smart decisions and keen investments. Ensuring buy-in and collaboration among key constituencies is a challenge for the very best communicators, but when the message is loaded with complexity and offers a high opportunity for jargon, clear communication becomes much more difficult. 

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45: Guest Andrew Menke on Leadership and Change at New Hampton School
Leadership, Managing Change Pete Wright Leadership, Managing Change Pete Wright

45: Guest Andrew Menke on Leadership and Change at New Hampton School

Our special guest Andrew Menke serves as head of New Hampton School, an independent school with a nearly 200-year legacy in New Hampton, New Hampshire. The school is a model of “talent and shared purpose,” according to Menke, and he’s leading a cooperative of administrators, faculty, and staff working hard to reshape an education landscape.

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36: New Year, Old Woes?
Leadership, Culture & Innovation Pete Wright Leadership, Culture & Innovation Pete Wright

36: New Year, Old Woes?

It’s 2014 and we’re slowly coming back to work after a break. But what are we returning to? Today’s headlines on the Chronicle of Higher Ed report backlash against presidents making too much money and the way that information is reported to donors, tough odds on tenure-track jobs, and a New Year’s Eve piece at NPR excoriates online education — a tool for some institutions to revitalize excitement — and enrollment — in their programs. But the nature of change is challenge, and there is much to look forward to in the coming year. This week on the show, Howard Teibel and Pete Wright share thoughts on what’s to come, and how you can approach your challenges as an opportunity for change. 

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29: Getting Ready for EACUBO 2013!
Leadership, Communication/Presenting Pete Wright Leadership, Communication/Presenting Pete Wright

29: Getting Ready for EACUBO 2013!

EACUBO 2013 Annual Meeting is coming up October 6-9 in Baltimore, MD, and as usual, Teibel Education will be well represented. Howard Teibel will be delivering his latest thoughts on the finance role in strategy in his presentation, "Structuring the Finance Division for Success: Building a Strategic Organization to Support the Institution." In addition, he'll be facilitating an expert panel with Jeff Selingo and a panel of administrators and trustees discussing the changing landscape of higher education in the United States. This week on the show, listen to Howard Teibel and Pete Wright share thoughts on these presentations and more as they get ready for EACUBO 2013!

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12: How do you increase productivity without carrying a big stick?
Leadership, Culture & Innovation Pete Wright Leadership, Culture & Innovation Pete Wright

12: How do you increase productivity without carrying a big stick?

It’s easy to say you want to cultivate an environment of collaboration and communication on a team. It’s another thing all together to actually achieve it. When you are faced with team behavior that’s in the dumps, how do you pull the right people together, inspire that spirit of innovation, and get people working together again without getting mired in politics and frustration?

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4: Aligning Goals to Strategic Plans: Turning Direction into Work
Strategy, Leadership Pete Wright Strategy, Leadership Pete Wright

4: Aligning Goals to Strategic Plans: Turning Direction into Work

Smart organizations run according to their strategic plan. But even the smartest managers can be challenged to take those plans and turn them into action. This is, in fact, the artistry that comes from being a good manager: being able to put into action that high-level strategic goals of the executive team. This week on the show, Howard Teibel and Pete Wright put perspective to turning strategy into action and give guidance on how you can better understand your primary charge as a leader.

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