Navigating Change: The Podcast from Teibel Education
79: How do you Transition from Sage to Guide?
This week on the show, Howard Teibel and Pete Wright discuss the key tenets of process consultation and offer guidance for asking tough questions of our own assumptions in our work to drive change in our institutions.
75: Building Outstanding Consulting Partnerships
This week on Navigating Change, Howard Teibel shares his experience in building outstanding relationships with external consultants as a consultant himself. From setting clear boundaries for communication, to taking on key strategic responsibilities, Howard’s insights offer a keen view into what makes a consultative partnership valuable in achieving the strategic goals of the institution.
73: Gail Gregory on Strategic Communication at CACUBO Annual Meeting
Gail Gregory will be on-site at the conference delivering her presentation, “Communicating Financial Information Effectively.” This week on the show, Gail joins Pete Wright to share her perspective on strategic communication and the evolving role and responsibility of the business officer, with a great review of the big events coming up this weekend. Listen in!
65: Amir Rahnamay-Azar on Collaborative Leadership at Carnegie Mellon
Seasoned business officer Amir Rahnamay-Azar joins us on the show this week to share his leadership practices as a new member of the Carnegie Mellon University leadership team. Just celebrating his 1-year anniversary, Amir has developed a strategic plan for his division, illuminating the objectives shared by the institution and how his operation contributes to achieving them. His process for encouraging buy-in and developing a collaborative leadership relationship with the provost is a true highlight of his work, and we encourage you to listen in as Howard Teibel and Pete Wright learn how Amir is shepherding the entrepreneurial into his administrative office.
60: Conflict and Collaboration
The road to collaboration is paved with complexity. We forget that sitting on teams, driving toward improved processes and structures, fantastic new programs and initiatives, are real people with real emotional ties to the work being done. This can lead to unconscious conflict that impedes growth and progress. This week on Navigating Change, Howard Teibel and Pete Wright discuss the opportunities and pitfalls inherent in building strong teams and offer suggestions for cultivating a progressive and productive team environment.
47: "With Clarity for All" — Strategic Collaboration in the Institution
In “With Clarity for All,” Gail Gregory and Howard Teibel share the results of their work with leaders from Emory University, Caldwell College, and Carnegie Mellon University as they work to bridge three key leadership groups: faculty, administration, and the board.
35: A hybrid approach to organizational change
This week on Navigating Change, Howard Teibel and Pete Wright discuss the role of the consultant, the importance of "hired experience," and what it means to partner with an outsider when your internal environment is one of significant complexity.
32: Dealing with Irrational Anxiety on Teams in Transition
When we're faced with jarring change — new role, new boss, merged organizations — we are often dealt with a complex individual emotional response. That response is magnified when it comes to team performance, but often for all the wrong reasons.
28: Turning Effective Listening into Action
Active listening is a key skill. But while it's important to be able to listen well to teams in a period of transformation, it's even more important to be able to turn what you're observing into action.
27: Uncovering the "Why" — Part 3
This week on Navigating Change, Howard Teibel and Pete Wright conclude their three-part discussion on a robust decision-making process and the importance of uncovering the "why" of every change initiative. In this episode, we talk about how best practice organizations turn outcomes of change initiatives into action.
26: Uncovering the "Why" — Part 2
In this episode, we cover brainstorming and the critical importance of strong leadership in the process.
25: Uncovering the "Why" — Part 1
In this episode, we cover the foundational elements and visioning structure that helps teams understand the foundation of their change story, and how to connect with it as a team at new levels of depth.
24: Navigating Loyalty
Loyalty is a tricky subject made only more complicated when it comes to change initiatives. This week on the show, Howard Teibel and Pete Wright take on loyalty — to a person, to an institution, or to a cause — and discuss how an evolving sense of loyalty impacts teams.
21: Strategic Planning and Leading from the Seat You're In — Howard Teibel at NCAA-NACUBO 2013
At this year's NACUBO Annual Workshop, Howard Teibel will join NCAA business officers for a rich discussion on the nature of leadership, communication, and broadening the contribution to the strategic planning process.