Navigating Change: The Podcast from Teibel Education

230: NBOA: 25 Years! A Conversation with President and CEO Jeff Shields
NBOA President and CEO, Jeff Shields, joins Howard Teibel for a conversation on indepenent school business, finance, and operations, all in preparation for the association's 25 Anniversary Celebration in Los Angeles, February 19-22.

229: Elevating Our Game at the NBOA 2022 Annual Meeting
This February, the preeminent meeting for independent school business operations professionals returns in person! This week, NBOA CEO Jeff Shields joins Howard Teibel to talk about the year past and the importance of reengaging your business officer community as we rebuild together.

227: Infusing Innovation into Your Institution: Building Sustainable Change – A Conversation with Howard Teibel and Jeff Shields
Jeff Shields, CEO of the National Business Officers Association and Howard Teibel explore these questions in anticipation of the upcoming February all-virtual NBOA Annual Meeting. The opportunity in this year is to prepare ourselves with the right state of mind – resiliency, ambition for change and living our vision.

226: Engagement Across the Academy: Transformational Learning with UCLA's Dr. Christopher Surro
This conversation with UCLA professor Dr. Christopher Surro reflects on an essential topic for all of us: how do we engage students, colleagues, and peers to promote the kind of learning we all need in these times. Whether you're an administrator, Dean, CFO, or Provost, this conversation speaks to the nature of learning and engagement, listening versus telling.
224: Discovering the Highest Purpose of Your Organization — It’s not what you think it is
Dr. Robert Quinn and Howard Teibel focus on what it looks like to give up control to create something most of us only imagine – an engaged, connected and purpose-focused organization, where leaders put their egos aside and allow their people to step up.

223: An Important Perspective: A Conversation with Rising Senior at Colby College, Heather Jahrling
In this week’s conversation, Colby College senior Heather Jahrling and Howard Teibel explore what worked — and what didn’t — in the transition to learning from home, and what students are looking for as we face the fall.
222: It's Time to Step Up: A Conversation with Dr. Robert Quinn
Today on the show, Howard has a conversation with Dr. Robert Quinn, professor emeritus at the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business and co-founder for the Center for Position Organizations. Howard and Robert explore what it looks like to step up into an authentic way of leading – both from the heart and with conviction.

221: The Education for Tomorrow Emerging Today with Dr. Nelson Baker
Today, Howard Teibel and Dr. Nelson Baker discuss the kind of education emerging through this COVID era and Dr. Baker’s specific experience overseeing the Professional Education Division at Georgia Tech.

220: What If? Scenario Planning in times of deep change with Bryan Alexander
This week on Navigating Change educator and futurist Bryan Alexander joins us for a conversation on scenario planning in times of great change.

219: The 60-Year Curriculum with Rovy Branon
Our guest, Rovy Branon is working to develop the 60-year curriculum, one with an eye toward a lifetime of education.