Navigating Change: The Podcast from Teibel Education

NBOA CEO Jeff Shields on Navigating Independent School Challenges and the 2024 NBOA Annual Meeting
This week, Jeff Shields, President and CEO at NBOA, joins Howard Teibel for a conversation on the future of independent schools ahead of the 2024 NBOA Annual Meeting & Business Solutions Showcase. They address the integration of telework in education, the sustainability of innovations post-pandemic, and the critical importance of community and collaboration in sparking transformative ideas.
146: WACUBO Live — Outgoing Regional Presidents on the "Education Trust" and Innovation on Campus
This week we have the first in our live podcasts coming to you from the Western Association of College and University Business Officers Annual Conference in San Francisco. Howard Teibel is joined by the current regional association presidents in which they share their valuable insights in innovation, change, service, and the state of education in their regions.
138: The Toughest Job — NACUBO 2016 Student Financial Services Conference
When we talk about good customer service in higher education, what does that mean? Do your teams recoil at the word ‘customer’? Is there a shared interest in delivering quality service across the institution? If any of these questions are challenging for you to answer, don’t worry, you’re not alone.
111: Mergers & Aspirations with Rutgers CBO Mike Gower from NACUBO 2015
Being in the middle of a major school merger, Mike Gower knows the importance of clear and concise strategic plan. As SVP for finance and treasurer at Rutgers, Mike has an active role in leading change as these institutions come together, aligning resources and data in service of delivering top tier education for their students.

65: Amir Rahnamay-Azar on Collaborative Leadership at Carnegie Mellon
Seasoned business officer Amir Rahnamay-Azar joins us on the show this week to share his leadership practices as a new member of the Carnegie Mellon University leadership team. Just celebrating his 1-year anniversary, Amir has developed a strategic plan for his division, illuminating the objectives shared by the institution and how his operation contributes to achieving them. His process for encouraging buy-in and developing a collaborative leadership relationship with the provost is a true highlight of his work, and we encourage you to listen in as Howard Teibel and Pete Wright learn how Amir is shepherding the entrepreneurial into his administrative office.

64: John Walda on the changing role of leadership in Higher Education — Part 2
In part two of our conversation, we discuss the importance of clarity and function of the business model to higher education, and John outlines a recently-approved research project in which NACUBO will study the impacts of business model weakness. John and Howard share insights around the changing expectations of student achievement in higher education.

63: John Walda on the changing role of leadership in Higher Education — Part 1
In part one of our conversation, we discuss the impact of higher education on the country as reflected by speaker Bill Gates, and the role of the business officer as it continues to expand in institutions in our country.
61: How to get the most out of the NACUBO 2014 Annual Meeting
This week on the show, Howard Teibel and Pete Wright talk through the key strengths of the event, from developing new business officers and helping to cultivate a culture of collaboration across campuses, to their leading voice in public policy around higher education.
22: NACUBO 2013 Annual Meeting Reflections
We're back from the NACUBO 2013 Annual Meeting — and what a terrific week it was! Howard Teibel is back with a review of key learnings and an assessment of the evolving direction of the organization. Did NACUBO make good on their renewed focus on Innovation in Higher Education? Listen in this week for our take!