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NACUBO Planning and Budget: Reimagining Your Budget and Planning Process to Drive Culture Change
Culture includes the history, norms, rules, and unique language of an organization. Culture is an institution’s greatest strength, but it also can be its greatest weakness. When we find ourselves in a position to reinvent processes—such as budget and planning—the history and expectations of the institution can impede progress on productive change. In this interactive session, presenters will explore how budget and planning processes support, shape, and have the possibility to transform culture.

WACUBO: Mobilizing Our Community: Generating New Practices that Drive Innovation
Innovation is often interpreted as the rollout of a novel idea or shiny new object. What if innovation instead is the transformation of how we work together and make offers to address larger concerns. In this session we will build on cultivating humble leadership and explore practices we can embody that generate value for the communities we serve.

WACUBO: Cultivating Bold Collaboration in Uncertain Times: Leading Culture Change with Humility and Resolve
As leaders of our institutions, our voices can be front and center in the reconstruction of our institutions. If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is that we have the capacity to change. At the same time, the chorus of voices looking to get back to normal is upon us.

NYSAIS - The Art of Strategic Thinking and Planning
There are two types of conversations we lead and find ourselves - Conversations for Action and Conversations for Possibilities. A conversation for action is engaging in making requests, fulfilling promises, and effectively coordinating actions with each other. A conversation for possibilities is asking the question “who do we want to be and why?” Strategy at its heart is exploring possibilities for the future.
The Parable of Destruction & Reconstruction - Cultivating Bold Collaboration
Higher Education is undergoing a similar struggle. Old ways are crumbling because they do not work anymore. The value proposition to students is in question. Costs are spiraling out of control. Student’s needs are changing. It is clear, that we are going to have to dismantle many of the old structures and build anew.
Are you committed to a new vision or complacent with how things have always been done?

NBOA Annual Meeting: Deep Dive Session
Building a culture that can innovate from the bottom up
Innovation is not about the "new" idea but is about taking a current concern and identifying how to address the issue in a way that genuinely satisfies a customer’s needs. School leaders find it difficult to embrace the principle that everyone can innovate. How do you empower those around you who don’t believe they can innovate?
Explore case studies from institutions that have built this inclusive way of operating.

NBOA Annual Meeting: Goldmine Session
Being a Leader Without Being an Expert
15-min Goldmine
Leaders are often expected to not only provide expertise in their field but also have all the answers when challenges arise. In order for an institution to thrive in a post-pandemic world, its leaders must embrace leadership skills that emphasize collective responsibility and ownership to identify pressing issues. This shift away from ego and “being in charge” can empower school leaders to embrace ambiguity, acknowledge when they don’t know what to do and practice navigating problems with their teams.

UPCEA: The Parable of Destruction and Reconstruction — Cultivating Bold Collaboration in Uncertain Times
The Rock, Peter Blume’s oil painting from 1948, made after the bombing of London, shows the tension between destruction and rebuilding. In the midst of crisis, the old structures must come down. Then, we have to build anew.
Higher Education is undergoing a similar struggle. Old ways are crumbling because they don’t work anymore. The value proposition to students is in question. Costs are spiraling out of control. Student’s needs are changing. It is becoming clear: We are going to have to dismantle many of the old structures. And we are going to have to build anew.

WACUBO: The Future of Higher Education - Shaping Your Institution and Leaders Through and After the Pandemic
The Strategic Imperative of Diversity and Inclusion - Maximizing uniqueness and belonging to build more innovative teams
In this time of uncertainty and change, the principles of diversity and inclusion have been lifted as an explicit strategic imperative across the country. How can we engage and mobilize our teams to demonstrate a commitment to inclusive hiring practices and transform the make-up of our student body?

WACUBO: The Future of Higher Education - Shaping Your Institution and Leaders Through and After the Pandemic
Cultivating Leadership Competencies - Resiliency, Humility and Courage
Great leadership is rising above the noise and guiding your organization through an uncertain and open future. It is the act of generating collaboration with the willingness to publicly declare how your institution will change.