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UPCEA: The Parable of Destruction and Reconstruction — Cultivating Bold Collaboration in Uncertain Times

The Rock, Peter Blume’s oil painting from 1948, made after the bombing of London, shows the tension between destruction and rebuilding. In the midst of crisis, the old structures must come down. Then, we have to build anew.

Higher Education is undergoing a similar struggle. Old ways are crumbling because they don’t work anymore. The value proposition to students is in question. Costs are spiraling out of control. Student’s needs are changing. It is becoming clear: We are going to have to dismantle many of the old structures. And we are going to have to build anew.

As leaders of professional, continuing, and online education, you will be instrumental in creating the new vision. You’ll have to lead and work with a wide array of colleagues – from innovators to reactionaries. There will be obstacles that will need your resolve and empathy.

Are you committed to a new vision? Or will you be content to revert to how we have done things in the past. In this session, you will learn skills to strengthen your position as a strategic leader - the skills of making a compelling case, declaring a new direction and building trust across units. We will also explore how humility can accelerate your capacity to mobilize others.

Visit UPCEA to learn more.