Beyond Statements: Leading with Authentic Dialogue

When crisis strikes, school leaders often feel pressure to make a statement and move on. But in the latest episode of NBOA’s Net Assets Podcast, Jeff Shields and Howard Teibel speak with a school head taking a radically different approach. The conversation expands on the Net Assets magazine article, “The Cost of Protest”.

Kalyan Balaven, head of the Dunn School in Santa Barbara County, is leading his community through an authentic dialogue about the ongoing Hamas-Israel conflict. Rather than taking sides, Kal has worked to facilitate open and curious conversations, bringing in diverse perspectives to educate students about this complex geopolitical issue.

As a classroom teacher turned administrator, Kal believes schools have a responsibility to help students make sense of controversial events, not shy away from them out of fear. He argues the real crisis is one of ignorance—and educators must seize opportunities to combat that.

But being a facilitator rather than the "sage on stage" requires a new mindset. Kal vulnerably shares how he's navigated pushback and assumptions along the way. His commitment to the hard work of inclusion over virtue-signaling statements is refreshing and thought-provoking.

This is a conversation about courageous leadership in polarized times. Jeff and Howard explore with Kal what it takes to create a learning community that embraces tough questions—and why that matters now more than ever.

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Pete Wright

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