Teibel Education Statement on COVID-19

At Teibel Education, we are committed to helping our clients navigate change. As a result of COVID-19, we are in the midst of uncertainty, the likes of which we have not seen before.

Making the transition to a virtual workforce is a significant endeavor, but that is the reality we face today. In order to transition, we will have to pivot in our use of technology, how we work together in teams, and how we provide continued service to our students, colleagues, and community.

At Teibel, we have been delivering virtual services to our clients for years. Starting next week, we will begin sharing resources on how to work effectively in virtual spaces. Further, we invite you to connect with us for a complimentary consulting session to help you navigate your current challenges. Feel free to email us at info@teibelinc.com.


Howard Teibel
Teibel Education Consulting