
About us:

The mission of Teibel Education Consulting is to create authentic collaboration in complex education institutions. We empower education leaders and their teams to fully meet the needs of their most important stakeholders and achieve essential organizational and cultural change.

At Teibel Education, we offer an approach to strategic planning, decision-making, effective communication, and managing culture change specifically developed for higher education institutions.

Our work focuses in three key areas:

1. Change Management - Generating new practices that accelerate sustainable culture change.

2. Team and Strategy - Building authentic trust and strategic thinking across your organization.

3. Leadership and Management Programs - Preparing emerging leaders to take on challenges with confidence and resiliency.

Principles in Organizational Engagements:

  • Helping individuals help themselves (teaching people to fish versus fishing for them).

  • Recognizing our role as partner to guide versus being the expert.

  • Taking responsibility for ensuring expectations are mutually understood on projects.

  • Ensuring the unique norms, structures, and histories of our clients are factored into our approach to culture change.

  • Supporting the creation of a culture built around shared commitments.


Our philosophy:

At the heart of our strategy and organization development work is the creation of a culture built around shared commitments. This work is based on “speech act” theory which empowers a unified approach of working together based on the building blocks of commitments: requests, promises, offers, and declarations. Through shared commitments, multiple stakeholders can adapt an approach to moving an organization forward, based on what they CAN agree on, despite different objectives and perspectives.

What makes us unique:

Our capacity to pivot on projects in real time.

Our focus on outcomes in the pursuit of momentum and acceleration.

Utilization of speech act theory that lays the groundwork for strategic conversations, tactical coordination, and capacity for teams to be nimble.