Join Teibel Education Consulting at an event in your area.

Building Momentum and True Dialogue in Strategic Planning — EACUBO Annual Meeting
With increasing pressure on higher education to demonstrate greater value and to educate students in new ways, we are being forced to make major changes in how we operate. Our strategic plans need to reflect those new ways of operating and prioritize the resources necessary to implement change. At the EACUBO Annual Meeting in Baltimore, MD, Howard Teibel, Rebeca Mazzone, and Taylor Scott will address this important subject in their presentation, Building Momentum and True Dialogue in Strategic Planning.

Association of College and University Auditors — AuditCon 2019
Howard Teibel will be delivering the opening keynote at AuditCon 2019 in Baltimore titled, The Pulse of Higher Education.

Creating a Culture of Innovation and Creativity — Administrative Management Institute
How do you build a culture of creativity and innovation? It starts with recognizing there are big ideas to be realized and encouraging a new set of competencies and skills. These new skills require uncovering the unseen forces that keep a team from excelling, including fear of failure, lack of candor, and unwillingness to put aside individual needs.

NCCI Annual Conference 2019
Howard Teibel will deliver the closing luncheon keynote for the NCCI Annual Conference 2019 titled Shifting from Problem-Solving to Navigation: Bringing the right style of conversation to transformation efforts:
The convergence of three things — demographic projections showing a decline in student enrollment for the next 10 years, the increasing lack of student affordability, and the underlying question of the value proposition — these three factors make the case to bring fundamental change to higher education. It’s easy to be overwhelmed, indifferent, or resigned by these provocations. How do you engage in issues where there is no concrete solution? In this talk, we will learn what it means to be change agents in our respective roles, bringing a disposition of openness to this uncertain future. We’ll dive into how authentic transformation is fueled by learning how to be in a different style conversation, one that is investigatory, thought-provoking, and allows us to think about the future in a mood of curiosity and shared concern.
To learn more and register today, visit NCCI-CU.org. And make sure to check out this recent episode of the Navigating Change podcast — Howard sits down with NCCI’s Carol Mullaney and Rutgers’ Brent Ruben to discuss the coming Denver event and their perspectives on the evolving macro-conversation that comes as we continue to learn to lead change in higher education.

WACUBO Annual Conference 2019
Howard Teibel will be delivering two sessions at this year’s WACUBO Annual Conference in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia, joining the association in their week celebrating Beyond Boundaries.

Beyond Strategy and Navigating Change — NAEP Annual Meeting 2019, Closing Keynote
In procurement, we often look at issues through a problem-solving lens, but what about exploratory discussions that have no concrete solution? Being a change agent in higher education demands a different kind of disposition and openness to an uncertain future. In this closing session, Howard Teibel will shift gears and dive into how authentic transformation is fueled by learning how to be in a different kind of conversation, a conversation that is investigatory, thought-provoking, and allows us to think about the future in a shared way. He will also explore how social moods and language influence how we invent the future together.
To learn more and register, visit NAEPNET.org.

AGB 2019 Foundation Leadership Forum — Making the Case for Your University
In today’s environment, telling the story about higher education through the lens of foundation board volunteers is essential. In this session facilitated by Howard Teibel, we’ll will focus on how best to tell that story to current and future stakeholders—those who are inside your institution as well as those external stakeholders who need to be persuaded.